Experts in CRM and much more...

We have experience in multiple CRM products and other complimentary services that sits around your CRM  including customisation and integration with other products. Most SaaS CRM systems on the market might look easy to deploy and use, but it is very important to choose the right product with right configuration to reap the benefits.

We are a modern consulting company who can help achieve your business goals with right technology solutions. Our consultants are experienced in choosing the right technology products that will help businesses increase their efficiency and drive revenue growth.

We have expertise in...


A well thought out CRM strategy will help your sales fire up. Our experienced consultants will provide independent advice and develop strategy based on detailed business and technology analysis.


As simple as these SaaS CRM software seems to be, some might get trapped in a hairball architecture trying to solve ad-hoc requirements. Our expert tech team will help optimise & customise CRM holistically to achieve your vision.

Integration & Automation

Multiple applications that support your business must communicate with each other, so you can service your customers seamlessly. Our tech team have expertise in developing custom functions and extensions to solve the challenge.

Training & Support 

The power of any software can be fully utilised with the knowledge and skill of the user. Our certified consultants will provide training and material to equip your team to hit the road on day one.

CRM Health Check

Continuous improvement is basis for steady growth. With health check service, we help identify any loopholes in current setup and optimise CRM to deliver best results for you and your customers.

How we do it...

1. Discovery
2. Architecture & Design
3. Customised Development
4. Quality Assurance & Testing
5. Deployment
6. Training
7. Ongoing Support
1. Discovery

No one knows your business better than you. We always start our engagement by trying to understand your business, it’s operations and systems. Once the baseline is set, we can start identifying gaps between business needs and technology solution. Our expert consultants will then develop a CRM strategy that will bridge the gaps and target your business growth.

2. Architecture & Design
We understand and document your requirement, business process and suggest best practice based on our industrial experience. Following which we design a solution that will best suit your business and ensure the architecture is capable of future enhancement as your business grows.
3. Customised Development
Every business is unique and as are its requirements. Nevertheless not all requirements can be met by one out-of-the-box COTS application. We make sure to bend the software towards your requirement by custom development. 
4. Quality Assurance & Testing

All development through Cloud Bright will be tested in production like environment before deployment.

5. Deployment
Our deep experience in software deployment in multiple verticals help us keep track on implementation schedule.
6. Training

We provide personalised training on various products and draft how-to user guides for quick assistance. We help your team adapt to the software quickly.

7. Ongoing Support

 Our friendly and prompt ongoing support is always available and just one call away.